UTILITY: Communication has all along been essential in the Man's Life. There are different ways of communication. Telephone is also one of the most fast means of communication. The tempo of this scientific rather material world is so fast that is is difficult to go fast with it. Everyone wants to supersede others as much as one can. Every office has the facility of telephone in addition to other different means of communication like Fax, Email, Mobile etc. Telephone is considered as a most popular device in the field of communication as it has solved most of our problems in a way that we can show our output in minutes. For example, our office requires an information from other offices located at different stations, we are able to get the information at once merely by telephoning them. In case we have to depend upon some correspondance in the form of letter etc. it will cause little delay. Therefore, the use of telephone is essential in an office/organisation because it relieves us of an unnecessary delay in our dail routine office job. Telephone facility has great importance for a PA/PS. Being a PA/PS to the head of office, he/she is all in all in making telephonic calls on behalf of the boss. Mostly, in a small office/organization, PA/PS has to connect telelphonic calls with the boss. On the other hand , in the organizations having a vat area, the position is somewhat different. A PA/PS to head of office/organization is competent to attend most of the calls at his/her own except calls from high authorities which are to be connected with the boss.
Now a question raises in our mind that how to use telephone especially for a PA/PS to the head of office. It is not only necessary for a PA/PS to be attached with the head of office, but other PAs attached with junior officers may also follow the method.
Now a question raises in our mind that how to use telephone especially for a PA/PS to the head of office. It is not only necessary for a PA/PS to be attached with the head of office, but other PAs attached with junior officers may also follow the method.
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