
Sunday, 3 April 2011


In Government Offices and private organisations, head of offices have to meeti with so many people relating to their fields in order to run the office/organisation more effectively. Visitors include persons from head office, sister offices, field/zonal offices, concerned ministries, companies/firms, foreign delegates, family members, relatives and firends of the boss. it is also one of the PA's duties that he/she has to handle visitors. The follwing arrangement may help a PA/PS to deal with  persons visiting the office to see the boss:


PA/PS should prepare a tentative schedule for visitors. The schedule should contain the name of office, name of the visitor, designation, date, time and place etc. PA/PS can prepare this chedule weekly, fortnighly, or monthly. It depends  upon the office dimention. If the area of an office/organisation is very vast, monthly schedule may be prepared. Information is must for the preparation of the schedule. It can be got through a letter, telephone, Email, Fax etc. After the preparation of the tentative schedule, approval of the boss is essential. In both the cases that the boss approves the schedule as it is or he make certain changes, PA/PS should issue confirmation to all concerned through different ways of communication as mentioned above. It is possible that the boss may change/postpone/cancel the appointments due to some reason. Then it is PAs responsibility to inform the concerned officers accordingly. PA should remind his/her boss about the meeting well in time and also help the boss in the preparation of relevant material.


A visitor will certainly has a particular purpose to see the boss. Acolumn for noting the purpose of the meeting may be included in the schedule form above. Purpose should clearly be written to avoid misunderstanding or other ambiguities.


PA/PS should prioritiese the appointments with visitors, in consultation with the boss, to achieve the objective of the improvement of the efficientcy and effectiveness of the office job.


If the visitors are coming rom outstations and have requested the PA/PS to please make arrangements for their transportation & accommodation, PA?PS should do so for courtesy sake.


PA/PS is responsible for refreshment during boss's meeting with visitors. He/She should assign this duty to the relevant person and supervise the arrangements.


If the visitors are from subordinate offices, they will submit their TA/DA bills after their tour. PA/PS should get those bills countersigned by the boss and arrange to despatch immediately.


PA/PS should issue date and time to the local visitors in consultation wit the boss. Local visitors should not creat rush for the boss. They should wait for their turn and avoid irrelevant discussion with PA and with the boss because while doing  so they will disturb other visitors. PA/PS should also ask the visitors about thir purpose to see the boss. If PA/PS does not consider  the visitor/s purpose to be discussed with the boss, he/she should deal with the visitor him/herself so that the precious time of the boss can be saved.


The boss can ask his PA?PS to be present in his room during the meeting to note its proceedings. PA/PS is responsible to type and present a draft of minutes of the meeting to the boss. It depends upon the boss whether he approves the draft as it is or makes certain modifications. After the minutes are finalised, PA is responsible to get a fair copy and arrange to despatch a copy to the concerned. He/She should also maintain a record of the minutes in a chronological order.

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